baumzaehlen - Primeval Forests & Their Trees

©2019copyright christoph hase

Salamanperä Strict Nature Reserve, Finland


The reserve (12.7 km2) consists of a mosaic of forests and bogs. The forests, regenerated naturally after wildfires of the mid-1800s 1, are mostly light dry Opens internal link in current windowPinus sylvestris (Scots pine) forests. Here and there, old emergent P. sylvestris trees that survived the fires can be seen. After P. sylvestris, the most abundant trees are Opens internal link in current windowPicea abies (Norway spruce) and Opens internal link in current windowBetula pendula (silver birch). Altogether there are about 10 tree species. In one hectare, there are typically 26 tree species in Finland’s forests2. You may have difficulties distinguishing between B. pendula and Opens internal link in current windowB. pubescens (downy birch) but other tree species are very easy to identify. The reserve is located at approx. 190 m elevation; differences in elevation are small. Average annual temperature is 2.1°C and annual precipitation approx. 570 mm 3.


Although the park is relatively small, bogs and old-growth forests visible behind the bogs create a feeling of wilderness. Hiking is only allowed on two trails running through the reserve. Camping is not permitted. In the north, the reserve is adjacent to Salamajärvi National Park but not to Opens internal link in current windowKoirajoki Primeval Forest (a part of the national park).




1       Opens external link in new windowSalamajärven suojelualuekokonaisuuden hoito- ja käyttösuunnitelma 2006–2015. 2007. Metsähallitus.

2       Vuokko, S. (2016): Latva pilviä piirtää. Maahenki Oy.



Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine, with coarse lower bark and reddish upper bark), Picea abies (Norway spruce, with dense foliage), Betula pendula (silver birch, with white bark), saplings of Sorbus aucuparia (European rowan) and shrub-like Juniperus communis (common juniper, centre). On forest floor Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry).
Unnamed small bog with stunted Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine). In the background forest with P. sylvestris, Picea abies (Norway spruce, narrow crowns) and Betula (light green crowns).
Small lake called Penkkilammit and bog. Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine), Picea abies (Norway spruce, narrow crowns) and Betula (light green crowns).
Small lake called Penkkilammit. Foreground: Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) and Betula pubescens (downy birch). Background: P. sylvestris forest with some Picea abies (Norway spruce, narrow crowns) and Betula pendula (silver birch, light green crowns).