baumzaehlen - Primeval Forests & Their Trees

©2017 copyright christoph hase

Havešová National Nature Reserve, Slovakia

Like Opens internal link in current window Stužica National Nature Reserve , Havešová is a part of Poloniny National Park and from 2007 a part of Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians World Heritage Area. The reserve consists of 1.7 km 2 of highly productive almost pure Opens internal link in current window Fagus sylvatica (European beech) forest 1 . Apart from a small portion of younger forest 2 , the reserve has no signs of any human influence 1 .

F. sylvatica reaches great heights here. The tallest tree I measured in 2015 with a Nikon Laser 550A S instrument was 48.3 m. Still taller trees have been reported 1 2 3 but they have probably been measured using the tangent method, which often results in over-measurement 4 . However, I measured only about 10 trees, so there may well be F. sylvatica exceeding 50 metres. The record for a reliably measured F. sylvatica is 49.3 m for a tree in Germany 5 .

Elevation is 450 –730 m. Annual precipitation is 700 800 mm and average annual temperature approx. 7°C 1 .

References :

1 Korpel’, Š. (1995): Die Urwälder der Westkarpaten. Gustav Fischer Verlag.


3 Drossler, L. & Lupke, B.v. (2007): Bestandesstruktur, Verjungung und Standortfaktoren in zwei Buchenurwald-Reservaten der Slowakei. Allg. Forst. Jagdztg. 178 , 121 135.

4 Bragg, D. C., Frelich, L. E., Leverett, R. T., Blozan, W. & Luthringer, D. J. (2011): Opens external link in new window The Sine Method: An Alternative Height Measurement Technique . The Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Research Note SRS-22.

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Official site :

Fagus sylvatica (European beech) forest.
Fagus sylvatica (European beech) forest. 48.3-metre F. sylvatica (girth 261 cm) behind the leaning tree, left.