baumzaehlen - Primeval Forests & Their Trees

©2016copyright christoph hase


Quercus cerris (Turkey oak, Fagaceae)



On the right Q. cerris foliage. Boky National Nature Reserve, Slovakia.
Q. cerris - Quercus petraea (sessile oak) forest on steep slope. Q. cerris with more coarsely furrowed bark. Boky National Nature Reserve, Slovakia.
Q. cerris (coarsely furrowed bark), Quercus petraea (sessile oak, less coarsely furrowed bark background), Carpinus betulus (European hornbeam, striped smooth bark). Boky National Nature Reserve, Slovakia.
Acer campestre (field maple, foreground), Q. cerris (right), Quercus petraea (sessile oak, centre and behind Q. cerris). The small trees are mostly Carpinus betulus (European hornbeam) and Fagus sylvatica (European beech). Boky National Nature Reserve, Slovakia.
Some tree species of Boky National Nature Reserve, Slovakia.